
The Centre Cinématographique Marocain (CCM – Moroccan Centre for Cinematography) was established by the Royal Decree of 8 January 1944, which makes it one of the world’s oldest public establishments tasked with regulating and promoting film.

It is a public establishment that comes under the oversight of the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication. It has legal personality and financial independence, and its main missions include:

  • - regulating and inspection of the various film sectors (Production, Distribution, Exploitation)
    - regulating and inspecting audiovisual production
    - supporting the film industry
    - promoting Moroccan film
    - maintaining the archive of film heritage.

The CCM also:

  • - provides post-production services
    - manages the film library
    - operates a cinema (the “7ème Art” in Rabat)
    - organises two festivals (the National Film Festival and the Mediterranean Short Film Festival of Tangier)
    - undertakes international co-operation in cinematography.

The CCM issues:

  • - film permits
    - professional cards
    - film-rating certificates
    - operating permits to producers and distributors (CINEMA, VIDEO, DVD, VCD), cinema operators, and video clubs.

The CCM works with:

  • - civil and military authorities to facilitate additional requests for assistance or authorisation made by producers.